Welcome to my mailbox adventures!!
This is my penpalling blog.

About me.

Time Traveler

cute-sy envie
DIY envelopes
Universal Studios Singapore
Incoming letter

written on Tuesday 13 August 2013 @ 03:36 ∞ 1 mails

outgoing to Lauren in the UK!! this is for the "easy newbie swap #3" on swap-bot. I had fun writing the letter (≧∇≦)

I may or may not be suffering withdrawal symptoms from not receiving happy mail for (almost) a week!!!! I am not happy about this.

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written on Sunday 11 August 2013 @ 13:50 ∞ 4 mails

(!!!!!!!) you can only imagine how happy I was when I received this package.
this was from an awesome lady (@tigermousecat) all the way from Canada (≧∇≦)
I wished I was half as talented as her.

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cute-sy envie
written on Saturday 10 August 2013 @ 17:38 ∞ 1 mails

ladies (and gentlemen)!!!! isn't this the cutest envie ever?! I placed it side by side with my DIY envelope of an average size to let you see how tiny it is... so cute!!

I bought the letter set (of 30) from daiso for SGD$2!!!
but of course, if I try sending an envelope of this size, I'm probably going to find it in my own letter box (unsuccessful mailing).
so I'm going to have to put it in another envelope (・_・;).....

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DIY envelopes
written on Friday 9 August 2013 @ 21:36 ∞ 2 mails

aren't this the cutest wrapping paper EVER?!?! I accidentally chanced upon a party shop selling these while wandering around..... BUY BUY BUY.

anyway, I was inspired by a post on instagram and I made use of these to make some envelopes!! (=^ェ^=)

above is my first letter using these DIY envelopes, I hope (Sanne) likes it!!!

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Universal Studios Singapore
written on Wednesday 7 August 2013 @ 17:13 ∞ 1 mails

it's my third time here at USS and I'm still not sick of it (YET). every time I come, I find more and more things to do/see.
but today wasn't a good day because there was so many people!!!!! my friends and I had to wait about half an hour to an hour for each ride ): so I came home early (while they patiently went to queue for more rides).
BUT, the trip wasn't futile because I bought some postcards to swap!!! ^_^
I got 12 postcards for $8 (whattttttt?!!!) SO CHEAP. I was expecting the price of postcards to be sky high but noOoOo. I was pleasantly surprised. 

so YAY!! today is a good day.
I wish anyone and everyone reading this a good day!! (because I say so).
( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

written on Tuesday 6 August 2013 @ 22:45 ∞ 0 mails

received: 6 August 2013
from: Felisha Santana (@xoxlmlxox)

today's incoming includes this amazing letter from my penpal from the US. this poor baby was travelling for a month because it was missent to Thailand!!! (3rd July to 6 August)

well, at least it's safe here in Singapore (≧∇≦)
I love all the stickers that were included in the letter!!!! (no amount of exclamation marks is enough to express my excitement)
everything about it screams CUUUUTE!!!!! (and I LOVE cute)

ughhhhh day = made.

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written on Sunday 4 August 2013 @ 23:36 ∞ 0 mails

the exams are approaching and my schedule (or rather, life) is in a mess. there's just so many things to handle and I don't think I can do it.. not alone, anyway.
just a special thanks (YET AGAIN) to all of my penpals ^_^ every time I see a letter addressed to me in my letter box, I get happyyyyyyy-er!!!

I haven't been updating frequently because...... (no particular reason)
hopefully when my exams end (late aug) and after my school trip (mid sept), I'd be more motivated to keep this space/place happening.

in the mean time, do enjoy my outgoing letters to my lovely penpal, Mirjam, from The Netherlands, and Jocelyn Rector, my swap partner for "Students Letter Swap #2".

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written on Sunday 21 July 2013 @ 20:30 ∞ 2 mails

A letter for my lovely penpal Keneisha

A postcard swap on swapbot

A letter swap on swapbot

A mail art letter swap on swapbot

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written on Monday 15 July 2013 @ 23:54 ∞ 0 mails

it's been a long time since I last updated.

my mind has been in a mess for the past couple of days. nothing has been going smoothly for me. I know I might be overreacting, but I really really cannot cope with this anymore.

well, on a bright side I'm starting to receive more letters recently!! nothing cheers me up more than receiving lovely letters. thank you, all my awesome penpals, and to everyone that is part of the snail mail revolution.

three cheers for #snail #mail!!! (hash tagging just for fun, don't bash me up.)

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Incoming letter
written on Saturday 22 June 2013 @ 20:10 ∞ 10 mails

Received: 22 June 2013
From: Courtney, USA.

This amazing letter was from a swapbot user (@courtneyanne) for the "*happy quotes*" swap. The moment I opened the letter, I knew I was in love. The decor that caught my eye was the one that said "take only memories, leave only footprints".. NOT really because of the quote itself, but because of the fabric leaves and owls!!! Kawaii desu. Her efforts for this swap put me to shame (for mine). From now onwards, I vow to put in 101% effort in all the swaps I do!!! Not that I didn't previously..

Thank you Courtney~ ^.^

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Outgoing mails for the week ^.^
written on Thursday 20 June 2013 @ 01:35 ∞ 7 mails

These are my outgoing postcards (7)

and my outgoing mails (14) ^.^

The ones on the right are for swapbot, while the ones in the middle and on the left are for my penpals!!

I hope they arrive safely.
For anyone wondering, I am still looking for more penpals!! Do email me at subtlemails@yahoo.com.sg if you are interested, and willing to write first. I promise to reply you once I receive them!

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ATC #5 and #6
written on Monday 17 June 2013 @ 23:54 ∞ 4 mails

These are #5 and #6, respectively. In my opinion, I should never use blue ink for a zentangle ATC anymore. I'm sorry to Debbie from California.

It was my first zentangle, (and I did try my best). I hope that  in the coming weeks, I will improve :-).

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ATC #1
written on @ 17:41 ∞ 0 mails

My very first ATC ever!!!
This is going out to Ashley, Singapore.

I hope she doesn't find it too noob, since this is my first time.
I really like to draw/doodle, but I consider myself to be artistically challenged (~_~;). 

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USA penpal
written on Saturday 15 June 2013 @ 18:43 ∞ 1 mails

Received: 14 June 2013
From: Karlee, USA.

I received this from @karleefantastic from instagram ^.^

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California penpal
written on @ 18:43 ∞ 0 mails

Received: 14 June 2013
From: Juana, California.

Knowing that I like WtP, she (too, also) pasted some stickers for me!!! :-)

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Mystery letter
written on @ 18:13 ∞ 0 mails

Received: 13 June 2013
From: Jasmine, Australia.

I got this kawaii mystery letter from @olivewasabi from instagram. She sealed the envie, before posting a photo on instagram asking if there was any takers. SoOoOo it was kind of a "mystery" letter for a random pereson (me). I was so happy when I saw the letter lying in my mail box.. SO CUTE!!

I even got an owl bookmark from her :-)

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